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Family Ouse 4

Ihuoma Chidire | Monday 10 October 2016 | |
The import of Abimbola's last sunday's foolishness still hung over Ada like an amateur's crooked bead pendant. Ada couldn't help not noticing the smiling eyes of her friends or everyone even.
Her friends' eyes were not exactly smiling, twas just the jabs they wouldn't drop that made her feel however she was feeling. Well, anybody who'd had a close shave with Ada would tell you those young ladies were lucky they were on the other side of the table, Ada would have made life funnily unbearable for them with her GENIUS capping. Twas a sure bet.

This week hadn't been too nice either, seemed Bimbola's bad omen was messing with her already. She'd reported to her PPA on Monday morning and everything was supposedly as usual, until her Superior suddenly was robbed. 
Just like that?! 
No kidnap, the staff much desired remedy for Madam's SUPERIORity complexities, no gunshot, an even better desireable solution B, NOTHING, just "...robbed of my jwelhry in this gorrddamned office..." Goddamned?! YELS! Madam and her wahala were damned, doomed, Godforsaken, anything damnable, and that was the truth, or rather, isss the truth, but robbed? In her goddamned office?! Bimbola's village pipu haf tried! Ada was pained, which kyn dirty trouble nah, she murmured over severally, ignoring the annoyingly timid Secretary who had been sent to summon everyone. 

Madam claimed she'd pulled the neckpiece before leaving for court that "....morhning...", Ada's mouth twitched, her Madam's funeh had never settled down well with her, there was just something very AkwaIbomy about the claimed US returnee accent that was appalling. And why did the woman's vein stay so conspicuous beneath her transparent yellow skin?! She wasn't the only one eyeballing her Madam, the other female seniors in the room nearly burnt the excessively veined body alive, the anger was heavy in their malicious stares. 
Madam threatened to pull down heaven, raise the dead, heal the sick and turn water to wine, abi vinegar, if her jewelry was not found before 1pm. She even mentioned, had the nerve to threaten Ada with petitioning NYSC and the Ministry Of Justice if Ada did not produce her jewelry. Bimbola's village pipu why, why?!!! It took a lot to still Ada when Madam mentioned the petition thing, THIS lot. 

Ok! probably Madam lost a maybe-expensive neckpiece that wasn't Ada's ish, which won come be PETITION?! Ada had heard the gist of Superiors threatening Corp members with petition or actually petitioning to fuel their ego, but it had been just hear hear, been a victim?! Nah, this was gone too far!
Long and short, jewelry was eventually seen in Madam's purse. Rather than apologize, she asked everyone to lunch. Ada claimed fasting and stayed back, disliking the woman's IRRATIONALITY tremendously. Ada was pained bitterly even more, Superiors really needed to learn to RESPECT STAFF FEELINGS, not necessarily because they owed Staff the duty, but because it earns them the loyalty that runs everything smoothly. 

That was Monday's bad news though, tuesday had been quite uneventful, save for Nenye making mention of Sunday's episode and how she'd wished she could've laid hands round Bimbo's neck and all those things about pressing out bad blood from a bad belle. Ada had ignored the gist, she was yet to visit the matter proper, she had a surprise birthday to plan for Abayomi, the newest brother on the queue and the reason for all that dry cleaning. 

You know if we could foretell prospective events, certain pro-actions would never find us in them. Well, dear Ada was no fortune teller, and Abimbola's village pipu predominantly now bore her in mind. Thursday eventually did happen though. Let's hope you can bear the nastiness of the experience....

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